20 June 2007

i want to ride my bicycle...

joe, mark and i rode our bikes last night. it was a grand ride. we met at nobrow, rode to the bayou for some beers (pilsner urquell) and dinner (veggie sandwiches with shallot mashers for mark and me, linguine arrabiata for joe) before venturing out to the bike collective out on 2300 south west temple. it was a good ride. we rode back to nobrow, then they went to junior's, but i figured i'd spent enough money on dinner that i shouldn't go. i hung out at nobrow til 11:30 or so, at which point i rode home with eliza and william since they live across the street from me. point is, i love riding my bike. it's fun...


B.R. said...

I am now vis-a-vis that thing called jealousy! [Note the phonetic rhyming here :-)]
How I miss the old days of Denim, and riding carelessly. Car-driving is indeed too mundane a chore. I need to get a new scooter! Next time I'm in the SL area, might I rely on your generosity to take your new wheels for a spin?

Liam said...

you can ride my bike whenever you like... :)

my original statement was worded differently, but i figured since you started the rhyme...

B.R. said...

If that's for real, it would be ideal!
How's that for puerile rhyming. And that's why I'm in the 'boring' business! :-)