21 June 2007

"pretend you're dead; it's my trick in life"...

last night i viewed the girl in the cafe, and from the first bit of dialogue, i was hooked. "it was lovely sitting directly opposite you." i have a definite penchant for well-written, dialogue-driven films, and this fulfilled that film niche for me. the two main charcters almost seem to be going in reverse, and they somehow met in the middle as they passed each other. the girl is moving on from her past while the man longs for the dreams of his. they seem to propel each other further in those directions. she makes him realise how much of life he's missed from working so hard as he informs her of the world's problems, which motivates and directs her. i've been interrupted with work and lost my train of thought, but i think that i've pretty well covered my idea on the film, i guess...

1 comment:

B.R. said...

What a wonderful review this is!
When I discovered the film I felt such a sense of ease. I felt 'got.' And that is why I watch films: to find those who share similar discursive tendencies. And the speech of Lawrence and Gina did just that.
Pretend you're dead; it's my trick in life. I reacted to this line as well. Thanks, fellow cinephile!